You can minimize uncertainty with the following:
1) Friends
Spend time with people who treat you with kindness and respect.
Invite them to visit. Or ask them to join you for a walk, a meal, or other activity. Or just call them for a friendly conversation.
Time with friends connects you with humanity.
2) Kindness
Show kindness to everyone, including strangers.
For example, thank the person who bags your groceries, hold a door so someone else can go first, pick up something that someone dropped. Drive respectfully (and safely).
In general, seek simple, easy ways to be kind.
Acts of kindness help you feel good about yourself.
3) Action
Find small tasks that you can easily complete.
For example, you might tidy up your desktop. Or organize a bookshelf. Or plant a flower.
Make a plan for each day based on realistic expectations. Then focus on your most important priorities.
Progress creates a sense of achievement.
4) Gratitude
Find reasons to be grateful for everything and anything.
Write a list of everything that is good in your life. Start with something basic, such as, "I'm breathing" and then continue.
Gratitude lifts your spirits.
5) Volunteer
Volunteer for activities where you will be appreciated.
First, consider what you enjoy doing. And then find an organization or group that could use that type of service.
For example, you could help at a local library, nature center, or garden.
Service provides a sense of purpose.
6) Exercise
Make time to move your body.
Most simply, go for a walk. Or join a health club. Or exercise at home, perhaps by following an on-line program.
Of course, be good to yourself. Honor your body: It will tell you what's helpful and when to stop. Start slowly and build carefully.
Exercise helps you feel stronger and more powerful.
7) Yourself
Take care of yourself.
Eat healthy foods, get enough rest, and think good thoughts.
Treat yourself as if you are your very best friend.
Self care gives you more energy.
Find ways to be kind at: 27 Ways to Show Kindness
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